Message from the Chief Editor
Welcome to all our readers to the premiere issue of International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM). We are to present to our readers six articles from our international contributors who have generously shared their research findings on the various aspects of innovation in mechanical engineering and advanced materials. Sharing current research and publishing of the research collaboration among various institutions and countries is the main motivation of publishing this journal.
The articles in this premiere edition can be categorized into general issues, mechanical engineering and advanced materials. The authors of the first article was invited to share their efforts and challenge on the sustainability of the achievement of Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (FKMP), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia on QS World University Ranking Top 300 by Subject in 2015 which is achieved in relatively short time. M. Ismoen et al. in the second article discuss the similarity and nonsimilarity solutions on flow and heat transfer over a wedge with power law stream condition which is an output of the research collaboration between Institut Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. S. Hasan, A.N. Ahmad and D. Feriyanto review the design of the package on the application of an internet, online and network based on reducing waste in lean manufacturing operation that will replace the manual method doing value stream mapping. T. Mulyana discusses on a nonparametric system identification based on transient analysis with plant process of heat exchanger as case study, and I. A. Wibowo dan D. Sebayang present an applied research about the optimization of Solar-Wind Diesel Hybrid Power System design using Homer. The last article highlight the preparation and photoluminescence properties of RF-Sputtered Zn O Film which was conducted under cooperation between Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam, Posts and Telecommunications Group Hanoi, Department of Physics, Hanoi University of Natural Science, Hanoi, Institute of Materials Science, Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam, Hanoi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia and Department of Physics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, South Korea.
To all our authors, thank for making this premiere issue possible. To our reviewers, thank you for helping us in ensuring IJIMEAM achieves the high quality that it aims for. We hope everyone; from authors to reviewers will continue to give their strong support so that we can continue to provide the knowledge sharing that is made possible through research publication by global Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Material practitioner and researcher.
Last but not least, we thank the Management of Universitas Mercu Buana for their support in sponsorships and publishing this journal.
Prof (Em) Dr.Ing. Ir. Darwin Sebayang
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