International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM) is a scientific open access journal which publishes theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles twice a year. IJIMEAM is available online (e-ISSN: 2477-541X) as well as in printed version (p-ISSN: 2477-5428). Contributions must promote the progress and understanding of phenomena related with all aspects in mechanical engineering and advanced materials. en-US (Darwin Sebayang) (Ignatius Agung Wibowo) Fri, 05 Aug 2016 07:07:30 -0400 OJS 60 MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EDITOR <p>This edition consists of eight articles cover different interested topics. The articles comes as the output of a research collaboration between Universitas Mercu Buana with Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia such as <em>Synthesis and Chararterization of Toluene Sulfonic acid (TSA) Doped Polypyrroleg Nanoparticles Effect of Dopant Concentration</em> and <em>Optimization of Screen Printed Reference Electrode Based on Charge Balance and Poly ( Butyl Acrylate) Photo Curable Membrane</em>. The article <em>Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil by Using Ultrasonic Tubular Reactor</em> is the result of research collaboration between Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Universitas Mercu Buana and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The article entitled <em>High Resolution imaging of Boron Distribution on Diamond Film Using Energy Filtered TEM</em> is the output of research collaboration between Badan Tenaga Nuklir Indonesia and RWTH Aachen, Germany. The contribution of Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia entitled <em>Life Extension Technique for Weled Structure Using HFMI/PIT: A Review on Past and Current Research with Application</em> enrich the area of potential collaboration with Univeritas Mercu Buana. Last but not least, three articles were originally the output of local research. They are <em>The corrosion Protection on Steel Pipe St 41 in Water Plumbing Environmental Using Natrium Carbonate (NA<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>) as Inhibitor, Effect of Annealing on Magnetic and Structural Properties of NanoCrysstalline Fe-Mb-Al Alloys,</em> and <em>Development of Integrated Gas Instrumentation System in Direct Reduction Plant</em>.</p><p>We welcome Prof. Dr. Sreekantantha Reddy Dugasani, Research Professor, Department of Physics Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Gyeonggi, Assoc. Prof. Dr.-Ing Yupiter Manurung Director of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Excellence Centre (AMTEx), Universiti Teknologi Mara- Malaysia (UiTM) and Dr.-Ing. Pudji Untoro, Director of Center for Innovation and Certification, Surya University, Indonesia to strengthen the Editorial Team. We hope that their contribution to the journal will enhance the quality of the Journal.</p><p> </p><p>Prof (em) Dr.-Ing. Ir. Darwin Sebayang </p> Darwin Sebayang Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TOLUENE SULFONIC ACID (TSA)-DOPED POLYPYRROLE NANOPARTICLES: EFFECTS OF DOPANT CONCENTRATIONS <p class="TRANSAffiliation"><span>Nanoparticles of the conducting polymer polypyrrole in toluene sulfonic acid (PPy/TSA) were synthesized and characterized. The polymerization was process carried out in situ using ammonium persulfate (APS) as an oxidant. The particles were synthesized by varying the dopant concentration of <em>para</em>-toluene sulfonic acid over five sulphonic acid concentrations. The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of TSA dopant concentrations on the properties of polypyrrole nanoparticles. Understanding nature and characteristics of polypyrrole/TSA nanoparticles are important in determining whether the nanoparticles have the potential to be a component in the manufacture of fuel cells. The conducting polymer particles synthesized in this study were characterized using a particle analyzer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), spectroscopy UV-visible (UV-vis), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and electrical conductivity measurement. XRD shows that the particles generated possessed an amorphous structure, as also indicated by SEM images revealing the formation of aggregated and granular composite particles. Furthermore, the FTIR peak between 1273 and 1283cm<sup>-1</sup> indicated that sulfonic acids (SO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) groups were present in the structure of PPy. The size of the PPy/TSA nanoparticles was determined to be approximately 24-51 nm, and their conductivity measured to be 1.3 x 10<sup>-1</sup> S/cm.</span></p> S. Alva, R. S. Utami, L. K. Shyuan, I. Puspasari, A. B. Mohammad Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Fri, 05 Aug 2016 07:07:29 -0400 OPTIMIZATION OF SCREEN PRINTED REFERENCE ELECTRODE BASED ON CHARGE BALANCE AND POLY (BUTYL ACRYLATE) PHOTOCURABLE MEBRANE <p class="TRANSAffiliation"><span>This research focus on transforming the traditional design of reference electrode into all-solid-state reference electrode front-end using Ag/AgCl screen- printed electrodes. By replacing the internal reference solution of a traditional reference electrode by a solid photocurable membrane, an all-solid-state reference electrode can be achieved. The solid-state screen-printed reference electrode was designed using a photocurable acrylic film containing immobilized sodium tetrakis [3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] borate (NaTFPB) and trimethylocthylammonium chloride (TOMA-Cl). An optimum ratio of NaTFPB:TOMA-Cl = 1:1 produced a stable reference electrode. In the anions interference studies, all anions i.e. NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>, Cl<sup>-</sup>, Br<sup>-</sup> and SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup> does not give effect to the SPRE except perchlorate anions. The all-solid-state reference electrodes was applied to the detection of potassium ions  and ammonium ions. Validation of the all-screen-printed reference electrode was performed with reference electrode standard gel type. The validation results showed that all-solid-state screen-printed reference electrode demonstrated performance that was comparable to standard reference electrode. </span></p> S. Alva, L. Y. Heng, M. Ahmad Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGING OF BORON DISTRIBUTION ON DIAMOND FILM USING ENERGY FILTERED TEM <p class="TRANSAffiliation"><span>The main difficulty in investigation of thin film systems is the lack of capability to get detail information of the material in nano level due to the low resolution of conventional imaging techniques such as SEM, SIMS etc. In this work Electron Spectroscopy Imaging (ESI) in energy filtered transmission electron microscope (EFTEM) was used to produce a real image of  boron distribution in a diamond film deposited on (111) Si by chemical vapor deposition. The result revealed the layer consists of 1.3 µm thick diamond structured carbon film adjacent to Si substrate and 120 nm amorph carbon layer on top most surface. Boron atoms were distributed uniformly in both layer, however slight higher concentration in the second layer is observed. There was obviously no grain boundary enrichment of Boron atoms observed.</span></p> A. Dimyati, S. Purwanto, R. Iskandar Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 THE CORROSION PROTECTION ON STEEL PIPE ST 41 IN WATER PLUMBING ENVIRONMENTAL USING NATRIUM CARBONATE (NA2CO3) AS INHIBITOR <p>This study aimed to analyze the effect of adding to the rate of steel corrosion inhibitor and comparing the rate of corrosion on steel pipes with and without inhibitors.The testing conducted in Puspitek shown that the most optimum inhibitor contained in the addition of 1% due to changes in the price of the original acidity (pH) from 7.30 to 11.80. This shows the increasing of pH occurred sizable value and followed by the declines of potential value (Ecorr) -700.53 mV to -512.39 mV. Thus, the  decreasing accured to the current corrosion value (Icorr) from 2.71 μA/cm<sup>2</sup> to 0.31 μA/cm<sup>2</sup>, while the corrosion rate of carbon steel St 41 decreased most effective after adding 1% Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> as inhibitor, the corrosion rate is changed from 1.2437 mpy to 0.1427 mpy.</p> I. G. A. Arwati, T. Izzati, Z. Arifin Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 EFFECT OF ANNEALING ON MAGNETIC AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF THE NANOCRYSTALLINE Fe-Mn-Al ALLOYS <p>In this work, the formations of Fe<sub>55</sub>Mn<sub>10</sub>Al<sub>35</sub> nanocrystalline alloys were made by using mechanical alloying (MA) technique with the milling time of 24 hrs and then annealed at 300, 500, and 700<sup>o</sup>C. The sizes and the morphology of the particles were checked by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The magnetic properties were characterized by using a Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM), and it give results both of the magnetic saturation (<em>Ms</em>) and Coercivity (<em>Hc</em>) are decreased respect to annealing temperatures. Last one; the structures were characterized by using an Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). It give results that the structures were single phase at 24 hrs milled and 300<sup>o</sup>C annealed, then the structure to be changed at 500 and 700<sup>o</sup>C. </p> K. Tarigan, D. Sebayang Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM WASTE COOKING OIL BY USING ULTRASONIC TUBULAR REACTOR <p class="TRANSAffiliation"><span>The aim of this research is to find an optimum of synthesis biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using ultrasonic tubular reactor. The experimental studies explored the variations in reaction time, molar ratio WCO to methanol (MeOH), amount of catalyst, frequency of ultrasonic and output power ultrasonic on the ester contents. Comparisons of type ultrasonic and also mechanical stirring method based on time reaction were investigated. The optimum results of biodiesel process is the reaction time of 5 minute, NaOH catalyst 1%wt of WCO, molar ratio WCO to MeOH of 1:6, frequency ultrasonic of 20 KHz and output power ultrasonic of 650 W. The reaction time reduced 12-24 times compared to both of method and the yield of ester contents was obtained at 96.54%wt.</span></p> E. Agustian, A. Praptijanto, D. Sebayang, A. Z. M. Rus, S. Hasan Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED GAS INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM IN DIRECT REDUCTION PLANT <p class="TRANSAffiliation">Direct reduction is the removal of oxygen from iron without melting process. In direct reduction process, the presence of mixture gas in accordance levels largely determines the performance of the iron produced. Therefore, it needs gas sensors system which has high accuracy and reliability in this process. Unfortunately, there are some things that cause decreasing in the accuracy and reliability of the gas sensor in this process. This paper aims to offer a system that can preserve the accuracy and reliability of the gas measurement system called as Integrated Gas Instrumentation System. The system tends to integrate gas sensor component using Specific Gravity (SG) with other components, such as water trap, filter regulator and monitor gas flow rate. The values of Specific Gravity Meter based on process that display in DCS system are compared with lab results for three type of experiments. Based on experiment results it can be said that the proposed system is able to improve the accuracy and reliability of direct reduction process.</p> A. Adriansyah, F. Rahman Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 LIFE EXTENSION TECHNIQUE FOR WELDED STRUCTURE USING HFMI/PIT: A REVIEW ON PAST AND CURRENT RESEARCHES WITH APPLICATIONS <p class="TRANSAffiliation">In this paper, High Frequency Mechanical Impact (HFMI) using Pneumatic Impact Treatment (PIT) which can be applied for new or aging welded structure towards asset integrity will be discussed. The technology HFMI/PIT which falls under post weld treatment process is primarily aimed to enhance fatigue life and to strengthen welded joint. At first, the basic principle on fatigue of welded structure based on the IIW Recommendation will be briefly described. Further, various investigations conducted by prominent research universities or institutions and various industrial applications in European countries will be reviewed and discussed. Lastly, the current research on application of HFMI/PIT carried out under Advanced Manufacturing Technology Excellence Centre (AMTEx) at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UiTM Shah Alam will be presented. As conclusion, it is stated that HFMI/PIT can be applied for extending the structural life and also for design optimization.</p> Y. H. P. Manurung, M. A. Mohamed, D. Andud, A. Z. Abidin, S. Saidin, K. Kasim, D. P. Ishak Copyright (c) 2016 International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials Wed, 10 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400